There were also concerns that animal-based protein powders (whey protein powders, for example) contained saturated fats which made them unhealthy over longer periods. Nevertheless, they were ineffective for people with dairy allergies. Whey protein powders were quite the hit initially. This is where pre-workouts and protein powders come into the picture. The body cannot store protein and hence, the protein intake has to increase. However, this changes once we start working out or becoming physically active. Our diets usually have sufficient protein to take care of the requirements of the body. Plant-based protein powders (also qualifying as vegan protein powders) have enjoyed a meteoric rise in popularity primarily due to the parallel rise in veganism as well as being an effective substitute for whey protein powders for lactose-intolerant gym-goers. Ideal Supplement FoVegetarians and Vegans.Let’s discover the following benefits of plant protein powder in details: Whatever your reasons, we are here to help. Or perhaps you are simply interested in knowing the merits and demerits of plant-based protein powder. Maybe you are seeking ways to incorporate plant protein into your diet. Maybe you are looking to try a plant-based diet. They are also a sustainable and environmentally-friendly option compared to animal-based protein powders. In addition to being vegan-friendly and lactose-free, there are several benefits of plant protein powder such as being low in fat and cholesterol, high in fiber and antioxidants, and promoting better digestion and gut health. Plant-based protein powders are good alternatives for vegans and people with lactose intolerance as they are made using plants. Jump over to our other blog to understand the basics of plant-based protein powder. This blog will essentially cover whether a plant-based protein powder is good for you or not. The debate has now evolved into animal protein vs plant-based protein powder. It is no secret that protein powders are useful supplements when used in the right quantities.